Mark your calendar for a BENCH-BAR Social Security CLE on November 5, 2015, at the US Courthouse, 700 Stewart Street, Seattle WA. Join us from 9:00 to noon, 19th floor conference room.
In 2014, the Court created a committee composed of judges, the Clerk of Court, a law clerk and counsel from the government and the plaintiff’s bar to explore ways to fairly and efficiently address the district’s social security cases.
This half-day CLE will address the changes implemented by the Court in 2015 based on input from the committee, the impact of those changes, as well as the need for continued coordination of efforts with respect to social security cases filed in this district. Highlights include:
· A presentation by the Honorable Gerald Ray, Deputy Executive Director, Office of Appellate Operations discussing how the agency uses data collected from analysis of hundreds of thousands of ALJ decisions, supplemented by insights from focused reviews, to develop tools and training that guide adjudicators through policy-compliant decision-making and inform disability adjudication policy-making.
· A panel of lawyers from the plaintiff’s bar will discuss new developments of which all practitioners should be aware.
The success of the CLE depends on your input! Plaintiff’s counsel should email Chris Dellert at and government counsel should email Mathew Pile at with suggestions on how to improve the handling of social security cases.
To register please click here.
A copy of the agenda for this CLE may be found here.
Monday, October 19, 2015