For help, please contact
the Clerk's Office
(206) 370-8400 (Seattle)
(253) 882-3800 (Tacoma)
the Clerk's Office
(206) 370-8400 (Seattle)
(253) 882-3800 (Tacoma)
Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Options other than taking a case to trial including mediation and arbitration
Attorney Admissions
Information on applying for admission to practice in the Western District of Washington
Cameras in the Courtroom
Information regarding the court's pilot project, including forms and instructions
Case Information/Copy Requests
Requesting copies of documents and other information on archived cases.
Financial Information
Information on court fees and payment options
Becoming an interpreter in the Western District of Washington as well as instructions for requesting interpreter services
Tickets (CVB)
How to respond to citations, or tickets, issued on federal property in Western Washington processed by the Central Violations Bureau