The court has equipment integrated into each courtroom for attorney use. During a proceeding, the judge's courtroom deputy is the primary contact for courtroom technology. Please be aware that any requested changes may need to be reviewed and approved by the judge prior to any changes being made. Contact the courtroom deputy with any change requests.
Knowing how to use the courtroom's equipment is the attorney's responsibility. Start with a general overview at the Courtroom Basics. On-site Training is available; see box to the right for details.

All courtrooms have teleconference capability integrated into the courtroom technology. You should notify the courtroom deputy well in advance if you need teleconferencing.
Video Conferences
Video conference equipment is available in select courtrooms. The court also has the portable video conference unit that can be put into other locations. Please check with the courtroom deputy if you need video conferencing.
For requests or other help with courtroom technology, please contact the IT Help Desk at
Courtroom Technology Training
Click HERE to request your training day!
In the event of insufficient (zero) sign-ups for any of the designated training days, the session will be canceled. Please note that reservations and a minimum notice of two days in advance are required.
When: Training will occur on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 3:00 p.m. If it lands on a federal holiday, it will be held on Thursday (following day). Reservations are required. Please fill out the training submission form above to request your training.
Where: Check in at the Clerk's Office on the day of training and you will be directed to the training location.
Reservations are required. Please fill out the training submission form above to request your training.
Note: We will contact you for the meeting place for your requested training day.