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News & Announcements


District courts nationwide have received reports from attorneys receiving emails purporting to be from the United States District Court. The emails are originating from email addresses with the domain name "," are...


Please see the attached Amended General Order 05-15, signed October 23, 2024, in re: actions seeking review of the Commissioner of Social...


Please see the attached Amended Order, signed October 15, 2024, appointing panel to consider the reappointment of...


Due to system maintenance, the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington's CM/ECF filing system will be unavailable from 5:00 PM PDT Friday, October 25, 2024 to 7:00 AM PDT Monday, October 28, 2024. Please review...


Please see General Order 12-24 modifying Amended General Order 11-22, effective October 8, 2024...


The current eight-year term of office of full-time Magistrate Judge Theresa L. Fricke at Tacoma, Washington is due to expire April 30, 2025.

Please see the attached Public Notice ...


Please see the attached General Order, signed September 25th, 2024, appointing panel to consider the reappointment of Magistrate Judge Theresa L....


The United States District Court for the Western District of Washington's CM/ECF filing system will be undergoing maintenance on Sunday, September 22, 2024 from 3:00 AM to 8:00 AM PT. If you experience problems accessing CM/ECF during this window...


Request for Quotes: Complete Technology Upgrade of Grand Jury Room at the Seattle Courthouse 700 Stewart St, Seattle, WA 98101

We are seeking bids from companies specializing in technology equipment...


Proposed amendments to the Federal Rules have been published for public comment.   The proposed amendments include changes to the Appellate, Bankruptcy, and Evidence Rules and Forms.  Please visit the ...
