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CM/ECF FAQs: E-Filing Contacts

  • What is legal advice and why can't clerk office staff help me with my question?

    Although clerk office staff can answer most questions, we are not lawyers and are prohibited by law from giving legal advice to any party including pro se filers, attorneys, or legal assistants (Title 28 U.S.C. § 955).


    What is legal advice?

    Legal advice is a written or oral statement that:

    • Interprets some aspect of the law, court rules, or court procedures;
    • Recommends a specific course of conduct a person should take in an actual or potential legal proceeding; or
    • Applies the law to the individual person's specific factual circumstances.

    For example, we cannot:

    • Give legal advice;
    • Interpret court rules;
    • Interpret court orders;
    • Determine when a decision will be made by the court on pending motions; or
    • Tell you whether you should file a case or what information to include in your court pleadings.

    We can help you by:

    • Answering general questions about how the court works;
    • Directing you to court forms available on our website;
    • Providing general information about court policies and procedures; and
    • Providing technical support for CM/ECF.
  • Who do I contact for assistance with my username/password?

    For questions regarding your username/password, please contact PACER Support,
    available between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday.
    Phone: (800) 676-6856

  • Who do I contact if I have questions about my case?

    If you have case specific questions, please call the Case Administrator team, available between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The Clerk’s Office staff and other Court employees are prohibited by law from giving legal advice or performing any legal services on your behalf.

    Seattle Cases:
    Phone: 206-370-8440, (choose option 3)  

    Tacoma Cases:
    Phone: 253-882-3800

  • Who do I contact for civil case opening support?

    For help with opening a civil case electronically, please call the Attorney Case Opening Helpdesk, available between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday at (206) 370-8787.

    The Clerk’s Office staff and other Court employees are prohibited by law from giving legal advice or performing any legal services on your behalf.


  • Who do I contact with questions regarding electronic filing?

    For questions relating to electronic filing, please contact CM/ECF Support via phone or email, available between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. The Clerk’s Office staff and other Court employees are prohibited by law from giving legal advice or performing any legal services on your behalf.
    (206) 370-8440 (choose option 2) or
    (866) 323-9293 (toll free) (choose option 2)