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CM/ECF FAQs: E-Filing
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Which filing event do I use to join in a case and which do I use to join in a motion?
To request to join in a case, use the Motion for Joinder. This event is located on the Civil Events filing menu under Motions and Related Filings > Motions > Joinder.
To join in a motion, use the Notice of Joinder into Motion. This event is located on the Civil Events filing menu under Other Filings > Notices > Notice of Joinder into Motion.
Using the appropriate event helps prevent confusion on the docket.
What is a Noting Date?
Setting the noting date places a motion on the court calendar. The noting date is the date on which the motion will be ready for consideration and does not necessarily reflect the date on which an order will be issued. Please refer to Local Civil Rule 7 for complete information regarding noting dates.
What types of information do I need to redact?
In compliance with Fed. R. Civ. P. 5.2, Fed. R. Crim. P. 49.1, and WAWD Local Rule CR 5.2, all filers must redact:
- Dates of birth: redact to the year of birth, unless deceased.
- Names of minor children: redact to the initials, unless deceased or currently over the age of 18.
- Social security numbers or taxpayer identification numbers: redact in their entirety.
- Financial accounting information: redact to the last four digits.
- Passport numbers and driver license numbers: redact in their entirety.
- Home addresses in criminal cases: redact to the city and state.
I made a mistake in my filing, how do I correct it?
The data you enter during the filing process is not submitted to the court until you commit your filing and see the Notice of Electronic Filing screen or until you select Create Case during Initial Case Opening.
You can reset your filing transaction by selecting Civil or Criminal in the CM/ECF navigation bar if you enter incorrect information or attach an incorrect document prior to:
- Committing your filing,
- Selecting Create Case during Initial Case Opening, or
- Paying a fee.
This will remove all events, documents and parties entered previously.
Contact CM/ECF Support for assistance if you need to make a correction after you have already committed your filing or you made a mistake during case opening after submitting payment.
Once a document is docketed in the case, you will need to follow the instructions as laid out in Local Civil Rules 7(m) and file a Praecipe to attach a document and the corrected page(s) filed as an attachment to the praecipe. Do not refile the entire document if only one or two pages need to be corrected.
I can’t find the filing event for my document. What event should I use?
You can search for available events by clicking Search in the CM/ECF menu bar and entering key words in the search box. CM/ECF provides a list of matching events/menus that include all of your search criteria (in any order).
For example, searching for Complaint Amended will return the Amended Complaint and Amended Answer to Complaint events; however, searching for Answer to Complaint Amended will only return the Amended Answer to Complaint event.
If you cannot find an event that matches your document exactly, select one that most closely describes the intent of your pleading. If you are unable to find a close match, you may use a generic event like Motion for Miscellaneous Relief or Notice – Other, which allow you to describe your pleading in the docket text.
How do I file a motion/document/declaration or other event in CM/ECF?
Go to the E-filing Instructions and tools page for more detailed filing instructions.
How do I select multiple parties when filing a document?
Hold down the Control key and click on the appropriate parties under "Select the Party."
If you are using a Mac, press the OSX Command Key (⌘), and click on multiple parties under "Select the Party."